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Learn about Cannabinoids
Delta-8 THC is a powerful cannabinoid native to the cannabis flower. Delta-8 THC is an isomer of CBD, which is a derivative of hemp and CBD, a cannabinoid found in hemp, and is found in our products with less than 0.3% Delta-9 THC. In other words, Delta-8 THC is sort of a middle ground between hemp, CBD, and THC-Delta-9.
According to The National Cancer Institute, Delta-8 THC is defined as “an analog of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) with antiemetic, anxiolytic, appetite-stimulating, analgesic, and neuroprotective properties.” They also stated that “this agent exhibits a lower psychotropic potency than Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta-9 THC), the primary form of THC found in cannabis.”
Delta-9 THC is probably the most popular cannabinoid, as it is the one most closely associated with traditional cannabis. However, the Delta-9 THC we use comes from the Hemp plant, and not from Marijuana.
THC is the most prevalent psychoactive compound in Marijuana, but less prevalent in Hemp. The Delta-9 variety is the one most responsible for the recreational ‘high’ associated with cannabis. It can be detected in the human body for up to twenty hours after ingestion, even though its psychoactive effects only last a few hours at most.”
Delta-10 is a powerful cannabinoid native to the hemp flower. It’s very similar to Delta-8 THC in the way it’s made; THC is extracted from the Hemp plant, then the Delta-10 THC is isolated and made into a distillate that is found in our products with less than 0.3% Delta-9 THC.
Delta-10 THC is one of the hundreds of cannabinoids you can find in hemp and cannabis. Unlike Delta-9 THC, which is mostly found in cannabis, Delta-10 appears in trace amounts within the Hemp plant and is extracted to create our Delta-10 products.
The biggest difference between HXC and other Hemp products that we carry, such as Delta-8 THC, Delta-9 THC, etc. is that HXC has no double bond in its carbon chain. Whereas products like Delta-8 have a double bond in the 8th carbon, and Delta-9 has a double bond in the 9th carbon. If we were to compare the effects of HXC, it would be somewhere between Delta-8 THC and Delta-9 THC.
You can expect to experience similar euphoric sensations as you would with THC. However, some users have said that it provides mental cloudiness like Delta-9 THC, but not turbulent. The type of experience will also depend on your THC tolerance, although HXC is not THC, it does bind to your Endocannabinoid receptors. This is what ultimately determines the type of experience from HXC.
THCA, or Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid, is a naturally occurring compound in Hemp and a precursor to THC. In its raw form, THCA is non-psychoactive, but it turns into THC through decarboxylation, which happens when THCA gets exposed to heat.
When vaped or smoked, THCA becomes psychoactive, which can get you high. How much THC comes from THCA depends on the amount of heat, quality, and strain.
HHC-P also known as HXC-P or Hexahydrocannabiphorol, is very similar to its THC counterpart – THCP. The HHCP cannabinoid stands for Hexahydrocannabiphorol and it’s very similar to its THC counterpart – THCP. What makes HHPC is the long alky sidechain located within its chemical structure. While most cannabinoids such as regular THC and HHC have only five alky sidechains, HXC-P has a 7-Carbon sidechain.
This makes HHPC a lot more potent than normal HHC because of its chemical structure. It can be 33 times more potent than HHC and possibly even more potent than actual THC. However, HHPC is still Hemp compliant with less than 0.3% of Delta-9 THC.
While all these cannabinoids are derived from the Hemp plant, THCV is specifically derived from a type of CBG cannabinoid. THCV is more often found in Hemp strains that have originated from Africa, though other strains can have high amounts too.
When taken in low doses, THCV is not psychoactive, so much higher doses are needed in order to achieve that effect. THCV also suppresses the desire for munchies, and users don’t often experience unusual cravings.
THCM stands for Tetrahydrocannabinol-Methoxy or, more accurately, THC Methyl Ether (THC-MeO). It is referred to as Methoxy because it has an additional Methyl group in its chemical composition.
Other cannabinoids such as Delta-8, Delta-9, Delta-10, etc., get their name from where the double bond is located in their carbon atom. Delta-8 has a double bond in the 8th carbon, Delta-9 in the 9th carbon, Delta-10 in the 10th carbon, and so on.
THCM doesn’t have a unique double bond number. Instead, it has an oxygen atom connected to a carbon atom. So, there could be other versions in D8, D9, or D10.
In its initial form, THCP, is cannabigerolic acid (CBGA), commonly known as “mother cannabinoid” which other cannabinoids are derived from. When heated, the molecule is formed by carboxyl groups, which comprise of one carbon, two oxygen, and one hydrogen atom.
Depending on which enzymes it interacts with, CBGA can become tetrahydrocannabinol acid (THCA) or cannabidiol acid (CBDA), among others. On the other hand, TCHPA (Tetrahydrocannabiphorol Acid) and CBDPA (Cannabidiphorol Acid) become THCP and CBDP when heated. In the overall cannabinoid makeup, these are only a small percentage, and they are quite potent. In fact, THCP is 33 times stronger than regular THC, so its effects on the body are amplified.
The difference with THCh when compared to Delta-8 is its potency, which is noticeable on a molecular level. This is because Tetrahydrocannabihexol (THCh) has a 6-carbon sidechain while regular THC has only a 5-carbon sidechain.
The longer side chain on a cannabinoid, the longer, more drawn out psychoactive effects you’re likely to experience. The hexol in Tetrahydrocannabihexol refers to the 6-carbon sidechain in the THC. This is significant because Delta 8 THC and Delta 9 THC only have a 5-carbon sidechain.
THCjd has an 8-carbon sidechain which makes it the most potent cannabinoid to date.The only other cannabinoid that was considered to be the mlst potent was Tetrahydrocannabiphorol (THCP). However THCP only has a 7-carbon sidechain, so the extra carbon sidechain in THCjd makes it the most potent cannabinoid.
The result in a longer carbon sidechain means that THCjd is 19 times stronger than THC. This means that THCjd has a 19% higher chance of sticking to your receptors. These receptors in your body are responsible for that psychoactive feeling that you get.
Delta-6 THC is short for Delta 6a10a THC but is also known as D6a ad Delta-3 THC. The most significant difference between Delta-6 THC and Delta-3 THC is its chemical structure. Although both have similar properties, there are slight differences in how the chemicals are aligned. The results in a different type of high that is better for people with a lower tolerance.
Delta-11 THC also known as HXY11-THC or 11-Hydroxy-THC, is how your body processes an edible. When you take a Delta-8 THC or Delta-9 THC edible, it has to go through your digestive system first. Once the THC is digested your body turns the Delta-8 THC or Delta-9 THC into what’s known as 11-Hydroxy-THC.
The Delta-11 THC chemical that is present in THC is unlocked and made available in vape form through a proprietary extraction process.
THC-X is a blend of cannabinoids that goes into this product in addition to the cannabinoids listed. It’s not a new cannabinoid; instead, it’s a blend of well-known cannabinoids that we is mixed and labeled THC-X. This proprietary blend is unique to this brand.
PHC, also known as Hydrox4phc, is very similar to Delta-11 THC in that it’s the way your body processes Delta-8 THC and Delta-9 THC. Once THC is metabolized it creates a very potent psychoactive experience that gives edibles that strong kick. However, we figured out a way to extract the naturally-occurring compound from the hemp plant for that added push.
THC-B stands for Tetrahydrocannabutol, which is known to be a homologue of Delta-9 THC. This means that it’s closely related. The most significant difference is in its chemical structure. THC-B’s chemical compounds make it more binding to the CB1 receptors in our Endocannabinoid System (ECS). The CB1 receptor is the part of our brain responsible for that high feeling you get when you consume THC. Therefore, THC-B can produce a better and stronger high for some people.
Live Resin is made when the Hemp plant is harvested it gets cut, dried, and cured so that the THC or CBD can be extracted. It is then cut, and then flash-frozen in order to preserve the rich properties. Once the THC or CBD is extracted, it becomes a thick substance that often resembles crystallized honey.
The biggest difference between the Live Resin process and the normal Distillate process is that Live Resin tends to keep more of its naturally-occurring compounds. This means that the Terpenes and other Hemp properties are not lost during the extraction process. What is left after this process is an odorless, pure concentrate. This means that the Terpenes are re-added to make it enjoyable.